The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

 It's been 10 years since the original Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker  for the Nintendo GameCube was released. This year, Nintendo re-releases the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on their latest home console, Wii U, with HD graphics and game pad support.

The story starts off as Link in his hometown celebrating his birthday when suddenly his younger sister, Aryll is kidnapped.It is up to Link to rescue his sister and along the way he will meet new places and familiar faces on his long journey.Wind Waker HD expands over the original by adding 1080p res. graphics, improved lighting mechanics and Wii U game pad support.Gameplay compared to the original feels the same but feels unique at the same time.The Wii U game pad can be used as a map and to organize your inventory which can be helpful when exploring dungeons.In addition, Wind Waker HD offers off-screen play which enables you to play on the Wii U game pad or you can play without the game pad using the Wii U pro controller. The Miiverse feature  is supported if you feel lost or seek advise, you can also post screen shots send it to other players.The Triforce Quest, a main annoyance in the original, became less frustrating when finding the triforce shards.Hero mode is available from the start of the game instead of beating the game in normal mode, which gives you the opportunity of choosing any difficulty you prefer.Finally, Wind Waker HD retains the original's soundtrack, which includes some memorable tunes for fans to enjoy.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is remastering one of the Zelda series' best games on Nintendo's HD console.At a price of $49.99, you can't go wrong with picking this up.

9.5 / 10 
