Developed by Artdink and published by Namco Bandai, Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z is bursting with ambition and excitement from Dragon Ball Z fans.Added is the ability to play as Goku's new Super Saiyan God form and new game play mechanics.Will it be a huge success?
Battle of Z features a co-op mode where are four players fight together to take out bosses and other interesting challenges.Also, there is the single mission mode where the story covers all of the series' saga's with famous characters such as Vegeta, Gohan, piccolo are playable.Online mode offers the chance to battle or join other players online, though it can be really laggy and can frustrating.There are over 70 playable characters, including 2 exclusive DLC characters, Super Vegito and Super Saiyan Bardock. Furthermore, character customization is avaliable by equipping cards that range from melee attacks to burst attacks.However, it's disappointing to see the lack of an offline co-op mode and an unresponsive ally A.I, making it tedious sometimes when fighting harder bosses.Nevertheless, Battle of z proves to be a fun multiplayer game, but it may not be the best Dragon Ball game out there.
Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z is a really fun game to play, it's flaws prevents it from being the best Dragon Ball Z game, but still it's a good game.
7.8 / 10
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