Classic Review: Advance Wars

Considered by fans and critics to be one of the best strategy games on the Game Boy Advance, Advance Wars was a huge hit.Recently, Advance Wars have made it's way into the Wii U Virtual Console service for 8$, will it be worth it?

The plot follows the nation of Orange Star's army in it's effort of fighting other countries when one of  it's commanding officers is accused of attacking other countries for an unknown reason.In terms of game play, Advance Wars greatly succeed.Advance Wars features a set of interesting modes."Field Training" which is basically a tutorial mode that gives a better insight of the game play mechanics,"Campaign mode" which is the game's main story line, and "War Room" which consists of maps and a goal to achieve high scores.Also, there is a multiplayer mode to play with friends.There are several ways to defeating the enemy: capturing their HQ or by simply destroying all of their units. Sometimes, capturing the most cities will lead to victory. Furthermore, units such as mechs,infantry ,and more units throughout the story will have their strengths and weaknesses. Terrains such as woods, cities, roads, and more will provide additional cover against enemy attacks.Enemy A.I is unpredictable and complex, giving the game a more challenging feel.The soundtrack is quirky and pretty good, which fits the style of the game well.Lastly, the most important thing to note is that Advance Wars is insanely addictive and will entertain for hours to come.

Advance Wars is Game Boy Advance's best strategy game and one of the best made.It is definitely worth the 8$ value in the Wii U Virtual Console Service.

9.6 / 10
