It's been a while since MGS V: Ground Zeroes launched and despite the controversy over it's price and length, it's pretty good and fun to play.Here are ten reasons why Ground Zeroes is an amazing game.
Bonus Content with The Phantom Pain- The game's cover states that there will be unlock able bonus items in The Phantom Pain with the copy of Ground Zeroes.Although the items are unknown, it could be something good.
Enemies A.I is Improved- Enemies are now more aware of their surroundings and will notice any sound and will be always prepared, giving the game a more challenging feel.
The FOX Engine- Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes offers a good look into Kojima Productions', FOX Engine.The new engine gives the game a more open feel, which looks great at 60 FPS ( PS4) and plays more freely.
Mainly for Metal Gear Fans- The game is mainly aimed at fans of the series.Newcomers shouldn't start with Ground Zeroes because they won't recognize any of the characters, story, and would be left confused.Also, the price may also turn some Metal Gear fans off, but it's worth a shot and no one is forcing you to buy it.
Platform Exclusive Side Missions- The PS4 / PS3 version of Ground Zeroes, will feature the deja vu mission which is a tribute to the 1998 game, Meta Gear Solid.For those with the Xbox One / Xbox 360, they will be treated with the jamais vu mission featuring Raiden as he attempts to eliminate body snatchers in Camp Omega.Recently, the two platform missions went multi-platform, meaning that you will be playing the jamais vu mission on the PS4 / PS3 or vice versa.Also, it's free of charge.
Visuals and Game-Play are Great- What stands out in Ground Zeroes are it's captivating visuals and excellent game play mechanics. Thanks to the FOX Engine, environments and characters models looks believably real and dynamic. Game play receives a major upgrade compared to other installments in the series. Using Snake's binoculars, you can mark enemies form a long distance and trace their location. "Reflex Mode" , when spotted, let's you enter a bullet time state to take out the enemy before he sends word of your presence.
Side Ops- After beating the main mission, four side missions become available( with two additional extra ops ) that will even expand your time of play for hours. One mission have you eliminating two highly dangerous men without being spotted. Another mission have's saving a spy from your base, which at the end, turns out to be someone very familiar. All of these missions may sound simple and short, but are pretty fun and rewarding.
Hidden Cassette Tapes and Patches- Throughout the game there are well hidden patches and cassette tapes. Acquiring all of the hidden patches will unlock the console specific mission and collecting all of Chico's hidden will give more insight on the story and a nice trophy / achievement.
Hard Mode- Probably the best thing in the game is hard mode. After clearing a mission on your first time, the option of the hard difficulty is unlocked. It's recommended to play hard mode when you have already mastered the game play mechanics and know every hidden path in Camp Omega. Enemies have a wider range of vision and ammunition is scarce. Even the side ops are challenging and will require some time to finish.
High Replay Value- There is a lot of content to be found and enjoyed in Ground Zeroes.There are challenges such as getting a head shot form a long distance, driving a vehicle using only two tires, and more, that will keep you going back. Furthermore, obtaining an S rank on a mission will require some careful planning and tries. Turing off Reflex Mode will not only give more points on a mission, but leaves you on a disadvantage when spotted by the enemy.Probably the best thing is replaying all of the missions on hard mode, which will add a sense of challenge and fun.
Hopefully this will clear some of the criticisms of the game and will encourage players to make the most of it.The only thing left now is, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phaintom Pain
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