Upcoming Posts for May

May is going to be a big month for games with Wolfenstein: The New Order and Ubisoft's Watch Dogs hitting stores on the 20th and 27th of this month.Not to forget this year's most anticipated racing game, Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U on the 30th.Also, here is a list of what will be happening this month on the blog.

- New Format for Reviews

- Dark Souls II Review

- Top 10 Reasons Why MGS V:Ground Zeroes is Good

- Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze Review

- Watch Dogs Review 

- Wolfenstein: The New Order Review 

- Mario Kart 8 Review 

- More Game Boy Advance Reviews

Hopefully this month will be great for games, there are further plans for this month as well as next month, starting with PC reviews.
