The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us, developed by Telltale Games, is an adaptation of the comic book series, Fables.Compared to Telltale's previous work on The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us is entirely different.Featuring an unlikely protagonist, a set of familiar and new characters, and more, does it prove to be just as great as the comic book series?

Story- You take the role of Bigby Wolf, the Big Bad Wolf of legend, as the sheriff of fabletown. Fabletown is where all Fables live, which is located in New York, Manhattan. Bigby's job is to enforce the law by forcing non-human fables to purchase Glamours, which allows them to look human.Also, he must hide the community of fables from Mundies(humans).Throughout the game's five episodes, you'll meet popular fables such as Snow White and Beauty and Beast and lesser known ones such as Bluebeard and Bloody Mary.The Wolf Among Us is story-focused and best not spoil it, it's full of great moments and characters.

 Gameplay-  The Wolf Among Us plays as a point-and-click adventure game, similar to most of Telltale's games.You can navigate through the environment and interact with objects and people.Throughout the episodes, there are some scenes that will use combat.Combat is presented by a series of QTEs(quick time events) that will require you to press the right button, at the right moment.It may sound a bit simplistic, but the game is story-focused after all.Furthermore, there are story events in which you are given major decisions.Should Bigby choose to kill or bring in the possible culprit? that's up to you to decide.Also, your actions in an episode will affect the narrative and future events to come, adding some replay-value to the game.

Visuals & Sound- The visual style in The Wolf Among Us is presented in comic book style.It also has a noir-like feel to it, making it more atmospheric.The use of cel-shading and attention to detail gives the environments a distinguishable look.Voice acting in The Wolf Among Us is great.Adam Harrington does a great job giving Bigby a though, complex, and badass voice.Other fables such as Mr. Toad, provide some great performance.Also, the game's soundtrack is great, which adds to the moody atmosphere.

Overall- The Wolf Among Us is one of the best written and engaging games Telltalle has ever made.It reaches the levels of The Walking Dead and possibly exceeds it.The story is engaging, the choices that you'll make will matter, and Bigby Wolf is one memorable protagonist.

