Upcoming Posts for October

 It's October and 2014 is nearing it's end.That's not to say there are still games coming out this year.Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, is making it's way early this month, while the Wii U version is due later this year.The most anticipated Wii U game, Bayonetta 2, will be making it's way later this month (we'll review the Wii U port of the original first).Furthermore, Classic Reviews make a return with some great games.Lastly, concluding the post, is the Top 10.We did it with the 7th gen., so why not go back for the 6th gen.?

                      Top 10

- Top 10 6th Generation Games


- Destiny

- Bayonetta (Wii U)

- The Walking Dead: Season Two

- Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax 

- Hyrule Warriors  

                 Classic Reviews

- Resident Evil 4

                Game of September

Velocity 2X - There were some great games last month, but Velocity 2X stood out the most.2X mixes up the gameplay, while keeping you on edge.Velocity 2X is fast-paced and challenging.Check out the review for more info. regarding the game.

 October may be a quiet month for video games this year, but let's hope it's a good one.Until next time! :D
