Bayonetta (Wii U) Review

 From Devil May Cry director Hideki Kamiya and developer Platinum Games comes the action packed Bayonetta, now on Wii U. Bayonetta is still the stylish hack-and-slash game originally released in 2009 in Japan, with some new features on Nintendo's home console.Does
Bayonetta make a great transition to the Wii U or ends up bad like the PS3 version?

Story- Awakened after a 500-year sleep, witch Bayonetta has no memory of who and where she is.That's not to say she's completely powerless; Bayonetta is loaded with firearms, magic weapons, and she can use her hair as attacks, literally.The story is focused on the battles of the Lumen Sages, the forces of light, and the Umbra
 Witches, the forces of darkness.Throughout the game, Bayonetta uncovers the mysteries of her past and watch as the battle between the two factions unfold.

Meet Dante's female equivalent,
Gameplay- Similar to Hideki Kamiya's Devil May Cry, Bayonetta is a third-person, hack-and-slash game. Bayonetta herself is an easy to control character, thanks to precise controls and a series of faced-paced attacks.Features such as locking onto enemies, evasive counters, and rotatable camera views are much appreciated, but can difficult to adjust at times.

Combat is faced-paced, smooth, and
Interestingly, are the "Torture Attacks", which are brutally fantastic. Bayonetta uses a variety of weapons, her hair being the most devastating, to execute her enemies.Other weapons include firearms, shotguns, and swords; all can be used to your heart's content.Also, the main mechanic of the game "Witch Time", which is activated when Bayonetta counters an upcoming enemy attack, slows down time and allows for massive damage.

levels are well-designed and packed
with some interesting boss fights. 
 As for the Wii U features, they're enjoyable.An obvious feature is touch screen support for the GamePad.It's pretty good, the touch screen can be used to attack and dodge, as well as tapping to run.However, the Wii U Pro Controller is more comfortable to hold, especially during the button-mashing action sequences.Another notable additions are the Nintendo-themed costumes.Those include the Princess Peach, Daisy, Samus, and Link, which are all looking great and detailed.The Link costume offers a Hyrule shield and the Master Sword (with some Zelda references), as well as the Samus costume, which utilizes the arm cannon.

Wii U features are good, and Nintendo-
themed costumes are a nice extra.
Visuals & Sound- The Wii U version offers a superior performance, compared to the PS3 version.The environments are detailed and varied; the crazy action sequences are gory and bloody, which looks great.In terms of audio, the voice acting is great, though campy at times, offers the characters more personality.As for the soundtrack, it's amazing and is full of variety, that also goes for sound effects.

The presentation is solid, with great
 visuals and a stylish soundtrack.
Overall- One of the last generation's stylish action games find it's way on the Wii U's expanding library of games.Not only does Bayonetta still looks good, but the over-the-top moments and bonus content are sure to be enjoyed by actions fans and Wii U owners alike.

