Tying up a few loose ends. |
Released last year, The Evil Within received mixed reviews from critics and fans. I personally enjoyed the gameplay and bosses, but like many people, I agree that the story was vague at times (maybe at all times). Finally, though, Bethesda have released some info. regarding the upcoming story-focused DLC. The Assignment follows Juli Kidman, one of Sebastian's colleagues, who was mysteriously all over the place during the game's story. The story most likely will follow Agent Kidman's search for the pale and unstable Leslie (before someone or something finds him first).
Furthermore, The Assignment will be relased on the 10th of March for $10, its free as part of the game's season pass. Also, The Consequence, which continues Agent Kidman's story which is targeted for a spring 2015 release. Lastly, The Assignment will be available on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.Note that you'll need The Evil Within to play the DLC, its not a standalone.
Hopefully playing as Kidman will provide new gameplay features. |
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