E3 2015 Impressions

 This Month was full of gaming news and announcements, obviously since E3 2015 took place. Nintendo's announcements were decent, they finally unvield the new Star Fox game, discussed major smash bros. DLC, but the Metroid and Zelda games that were unvield for the 3DS were a bit of a letdown. Microsoft did alright with their Xbox announcements. Gears 4, Halo 5, Forza 6, are all great games that are looking good on Xbox One. And its about time they supported backward compatibility for Xbox 360 games. However, it was Sony who took the cake with their E3 announcements. The long awaited (since 2009) The Last Guardian was finally unvield, and its looking gorgeous. Uncharted 4 is looking great as well and its great seeing Drake back in action. Sadly, there were no Vita announcements (Just great...). Furthermore,We finally got a Final Fantasy VII remake on PS4, again it took Square Enix a while but its good seeing it remade in HD. Additionally, Shenmue III has been announced and Sony is helping out on the game. Also, the Fallout 4 gameplay was great.

 I've found this year's E3 to be entertaining and fun, though Nintendo could have provided more content in their 'Digital Event'. Anyway, it's good seeing everyone unveiling great games and hopefully their turned out to be great.
