Hitman GO: Definitive Edition (PS4/PS Vita) Review

Go Agent 47!
 Square Enix Monteral's 2014 mobile hit, Hitman Go, makes it console debut on the PS4 and PS Vita. Sadly, the timing was off since it was overshadowed by its relative, Hitman. Still, there's a lot to be talked about Hitman GO and for a mere $7.99, is it worth the purchase? 

GAMEPLAY- Hitman Go is a turn-based puzzle game that has you completing levels in order to proceed to the next area. The core gameplay is overall simple. You control Agent 47, the main lead of the Hitman franchise, and must navigate through enemy-filled levels to reach the final one and assassinate the target. Areas usually contain 15 levels with some cut-down to 8. Early levels start off as simple and easy but later ones can get a little tough with new objectives and new enemy types introduced. One thing that can be annoying at times is the camera, which suddenly shifts when playing. Often I'm doing well in a level and suddenly the camera shifts to an angle, causing me to make a mistake. 

The core gameplay and controls are addicting and at times responsive.
 There is some replay-value to Hitman GO. Levels often provide you with bonus objectives that'll make you think differently than before. More often you're required to clear bonus objectives to gain emblems which will then open the next area. Something that's neat is that there are two levels that are inspired from two loved games in the franchise, Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and Hitman: Blood Money, both of which are only eight levels yet challenging. 

  Additionally, the game offers Cross-buy and Cross-Save features. If you buy the PS4 version you're entitled for the PS Vita version and vice versa. Also, if you're playing on the PS4 and would like to carry your prgress on the Vita,  Cross-Save is helpful. Just some issue to note, Hitman GO suffers from technical issues such as load times. While not game-breaking by any means, the time needed to load an area and restart a level is pretty long for a game this small. 

Issues aside, Hitman GO is a good strategy game.
PRESENTATION- The presentation here is for the most part good. Being a mobile game, it may look rough around the edges but nevertheless the art-style is beautiful, especially when playing on a TV. I loved looking at the detailed and nice environments The soundtrack itself is fairly neat, you'll be hearing some catchy tunes every now and then, which can help focus better when you're playing.

Nice scenery that's alongside a relaxing soundtrack
 makes Hitman Go a fun time.

OVERALL-  Square Enix Monteral's first ever title proved to be a success and I can't wait for what they have to offer next. Hitman GO does the Hitman name good and is an enjoyable game if you can look past some of its issues. The gameplay and presentation are both great features of it and it's even better on the GO!

