Vanquish (2010) |
Hello, everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates these past few months no thanks to my laziness and a few technical issues with my PC. But that's now over since I managed to replace my computer, giving me some extra motivation to do some work. Since I didn't manage to make a top 10 list about this year's E3 (let's be honest, there wasn't much to work with given that this year's E3 was pretty lackluster in terms of content.) so I'll just quickly go over of what games I liked. The new Spider-Man game looks all right, though I'm still on the fence about it. Namco's Code Vein has a nice mix of Dark Souls and God Eater, and a bit of Tokyo Ghoul, which is fantastic and is already shaping up to be a slick action-RPG. Yakuza 6, now given the subtitle of "The Song of Life", is by far my one of most anticipated games of 2018, given how the combat and story look engaging. Lastly, and definitely not least is The Evil Within 2, the sequel to 2014's underrated and often overlooked survival horror game of Shinji Mikami, if you don't know him by now, he's the creator of Resident Evil and often called the "Father of Survival Horror". Oh, and Nintendo finally announced Metroid Prime 4, though that may take a while since it seems its still early in development. And that's basically it, nothing caught my attention this year aside a few games. Moving on, during these past few weeks I've been playing a lot of games that I thought I'd share my thoughts of with you. So let's start:
Vanquish (PC)
Butt-sliding never felt so good in Vanquish. |
A classic that I dearly love and cherish has finally found its way to PC seven years after its original release. Developed by the acclaimed Platinum Games and directed by the aforementioned Shinji Mikami, so you know it's going to be good. I reviewed the game years back and my thoughts remain the same: it's a super fast-paced, addicting shooter with a nice mechanic and presentation. The story is on the light side but compared to the mindless fun you'll have shooting enemies, I doubt you'll care much. Since I managed to score a more capable PC, I've been enjoying every bit of Vanquish in glorious 60 fps, which really makes a difference for an action-heavy game like it. I'd definitely recommend to those looking for some frenetic action with solid production-values, it's a bit on the short side (according to the game, I've cleared the campaign in five hours) though that's not gonna stop me from doing another run on hard difficulty.
Persona 5 (PS4)
I'll finish it, eventually. |
It's been long overdue for my review of Persona 5, which I started playing last April. Yep, took me a while to progress through it but now I'm nearing the end of my play through. After clocking 85 hours into Persona 5, I have to say that's been a fun journey so far, with some interesting characters, refined gameplay, and some sweet production values. Without revealing too much, Persona 5 is whole lot of fun and I'm definitely enjoying it.
2064: Read Only Memories (PC)
Neo-Kobe? Nah, it's Neo- San Francisco. |
Thanks to the recent Steam Summer Sale, I've managed to amass some a hefty amount of games to add to my ever-growing backlog. Among those games is 2064: Read Only Memories. Immediately upon playing it, you'll instantly get that Snatcher feeling, which is pretty obvious since it looks and feels almost identical to its cyberpunk atmosphere. Oh, and if you don't know Snatcher, it's one of Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima's earlier works and a game I included in my "Top 10 Cult Games You Should Play" list. I'm still early on in the adventure but so far it's been pretty engaging.
F.E.A.R. (PC)
A game I wanted to play for quite a while, F.E.A.R. is first-person shooter with horror elements developed by Monolith Studios. You are a government solider who is tasked with dealing with supernatural threats. In F.E.A.R., you must uncover a corporate conspiracy and uncover the truth behind the mysterious "Alma" who serves as the game's main antagonist. F.E.A.R. looks and plays great to this day considering its age and it been a blast going into "slo-mo" mode and shooting up enemies. The game's AI isn't your run of the mill, standard drones, they'll work in squads and actually form plans and try to flank you from behind! I had some near death moments with them, which was a lot of fun.
These are the games that have been keeping me occupied for the past while. I've really enjoyed playing Vanquish again on PC and I'm finally close to beating Persona 5. Since things are up and running now, I'm pumped to make some reviews and retrospectives (stay tuned for the upcoming one). So I guess that's all at the moment, until next time!
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