Papers, Please

Developed by indie developer Lucas Pope for Mac and PC, Papers, Please is a creative title with lots of replay value.

The October lottery was pulled and you got the job of a immigration inspector, it's your job to let people in or kick them out of your country, Arstozka. Part of your job is to kick out any spies, terrorists, smugglers, and more individuals that would harm the country.Gameplay gets a bit simple as you play more in the game.You take the papers of an individual and check if this person can legally enter the country.If their papers are missing or simply fake you can use the interrogate feature to gain information as well as doing a full body scan to reveal any weapons on them.At the end of each day, you earn money depending on how many immigrants you processed.Money is very important to keep your family healthy and alive.Without money to provide the basic needs, your family can get sick and eventually die, making it necessary to collect bribes from some immigrants.Papers, Please has over 20 possible endings depending on the choices you made in the game, adding tons of hours of replay value.The endless mode is also addictive and fun to try.

Papers,Please is one of those unique and creative games out there.Its story and multiple endings makes it one the most repayable games out there.

8.7 / 10
