Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

 Tomb Raider was a hit last year. It earned massive phrase from fans and critics, making it one of last year's best games. However Will Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition  be worth getting for next generation consoles?

The plot and core game play of Tomb Raider  remains unchanged, focusing on the struggle for survival and stuff, makes it great for those who haven't experienced the original.Furthermore, the game's world looks more immersing,stunning, and it's in 60 FPS (mostly on PS4, though). Also, Lara Croft's new design looks more life-like and realistic.However, with all the good been said, "Definitive Edition" offers little to no new content for those who played the original, making it worthless.Nevertheless, it's one of the visually stunning games you'll find on the next generation consoles.

Tomb Raider : Definitive Edition is a must have for those who missed out on the original, but it's nothing new for those who played it already.

9.0 / 10
