inFamous: Second Son

Developed by Sucker Punch and serving as the third installment in the inFamous series, inFamous Second Son is a visual beauty. Featuring completely a new protagonist and story, will it be the best PS4's exclusive yet?

The game follows Deslin Rowe, an akomish native american who posses superhuman powers that aids him when fighting the Department of Unified Protection that is formed to hunt down the remaining conducts after the events of inFamous 2.The relationships with the characters in the game are engaging, especially with Deslin's brother Reggie.Like every infamous game, Second Son offers a choice between being a villain or a hero, changing some parts of the story and abilities gained. In terms of game play, Second Son plays in an open world Seattle, where you can freely explore surroundings. Furthermore, abilities such as smoke, neon, video,etc. gives variety to the combat and are gained by defeating bosses and in parts of the story. Shooting at the enemy became more fluid and quick, no longer requiring to stand still and aim, which is a nice addition. Combat has been improved compared to it's predecessors, but feels a bit too simple and could have been deep. What's great about Second Son is it's unique and colorful visuals. Characters and environments look near perfect, especially in cutscenes, makes it the best looking game on PS4.Also, voice acting is superb, with the amazing Troy Baker and Laura Bailey voicing Deslin Rowe and Fetch Walker, gives the game a more realistic feel to it. However, fighting feels repetitive sometimes and some upgrades doesn't really add much in terms of combat, still it's fun to play.Some characters in the story feel bland and forgettable.With all the bad being said, the most engaging thing in the story is when choosing the good or evil path.Not only it changes some sections of the story, but gives the ability to choose to handle situations differently.Overall, the morality choice works well in Second Son.

Overall, InFamous: Second Son is a blast to play. The visuals are pleasing and great to look at, the combat is good but could use some improvements. Still, despite it's minor issues, Second Son is the best PS4 game and the best looking so far.

9 / 10
