Upcoming Posts for June

Back With More.
 Summer is here (finally) and its time for the games to begin, and the annual Steam Summer Sale to start on June 11. I'll be dishing out more game-related content to make up for last month short hiatus. This summer I'm anticipating Batman: Arkham Knight and the remastered Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (pic. above), so expect reviews for them soon. Also, I'll be mostly focusing on old, classic games this summer but I'll have time to cover this year's releases as well. As always, here are this month's content, enjoy.


Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (PS2)

  Freedom Wars (PS Vita)

 Sly Cooper and The Thevious Racconous  (PS2)

Muramasa Rebirth (PS Vita)

Top 10
Top 10 PS Vita Games

 Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2)

UPDATE: I'm also working on anime reviews, so expect some slow progress during the month. 
