Metal Slug 3 (PS4/Vita) Review

 SNK Playmore's Metal Slug 3 was one of the best 2D shooters for the Neo-Geo arcade machines back in 2000. Since then, the game has been ported on to many systems including the PS2, Original Xbox, PC, and so on. The latest systems to receive the game are Sony's PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. So how does this classic holds up after 15 years? Let's find out.

STORY- In the game's Arcade Mode, you play as members of a Strike Force who must defeat a Nazi-like army. Don't be fooled by the Call of Duty-like plot, Metal Slug 3's story is whimsical in a violent way. Hell, it's made even more silly with the inclusion of zombies and aliens. The Metal Slug series mostly puts it's focus on the gameplay rather than story, and it works well.

GAMEPLAY- Metal Slug 3 plays similarly to previous games, it's a 2D shooter that has you continuously shooting wave after wave of enemies. While it may sound repetitive, it's actually fun. You start off with four main characters to choose from: Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio. There isn't much difference among them, so choose whoever you like best. Throughout the levels, you'll come across many P.O.W., often they will reward you with extra firepower and ammo refills.

 In the second mission, you will be able to play as a zombie. This is made possible by allowing a zombie to simply attack you. Being reanimated as a zombie has it's perks, you can puke a devastating pile of blood onto enemies at it will kill them instantly, pretty overpowered if you ask me. However, a negative to this is extremely slow mobility.

The gameplay is also varied and fun.
 Now you're probably thinking why the series is called "Metal Slug", right? The answer is simple. During missions, you will come to contact with weapons, known as "Slugs", that will give you the upper hand in the level. Slugs range from tanks and jets to camels and elephants, sounds silly but it's fun when you're in control of them.

 However, a downside is the game's short length. Five missions and it's all over. I finished it in under an hour on my second playthrough. While I had fun, I still wanted more. To compensate, Metal Slug 3 offers many routes to choose from in the levels. While they all lead to the same boss, each is unique with their own approach and difficulty.

 New in this port of the game is cross-save and online co-op mode. Your progress can be saved across all three PlayStation systems and you can play the game with a friend online. Also, trophies are incorporated and they're no cakewalk. 

PRESENTATION- Even after many years, Metal Slug 3 still looks and sounds good. The retro visuals were stunning for their time and have aged well. Character sprites, level design, and the Slugs are all brimming with detail. The sound is also a nice aspect of the presentation. You'll be hearing the sound of your gun firing the most, and enemy screams. The soundtrack is good, each level has it's own unique theme, and they all sound good.

OVERALL- Many years later, Metal Slug 3 holds up quite well. The gameplay and presentation are preserved in all their glory. Despite it's high price and lack much content, PlayStation owners now can experience the unique and bizarre world of Metal Slug 3 on three of their PlayStation systems and have a blast.

