Metal Gear Online 3 (PS4) Review

Back Once Again.
 The third incarnation of the Metal Gear franchise's online has finally been released and its not disappointing. The online feature is free for those who own a copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and is installed via an update. After hours of playing and enjoying what the mode has to offer, a review is called for.

GAMEPLAY- The gameplay is pretty much the same found in The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Online 3 features three classes, each with their own abilities. Also, the games supports 16 player battles online for the PS4, Xbox One. You can customize your character's appearance, this ranges from gender and skin color to fatigues and equipment. There are three character slots to choose from, one is your MGSV avatar and the other two can be used to experiment with other classes. You can also customize your loadouts with weapons and perks that suits your play-style.

Gear Up.
 MGO3 packs three unique classes to choose from. The Scout class is recommended for newcomers since its the well-balanced and has good health. Also, it specializes in long-range combat, so sniping should be a breeze. The Enforcer class is for those who want to tackle the enemy head-on and features higher health compared to other classes. Hand-to-hand combat is this class' specialty. Finally, the Infiltrator class is for those wanting a stealthy approach but be warned it has the least health of the three. Infiltrators will be equipped with an invisible cloak to easily take out enemies.

The same great gameplay with new additions.
 Also, there are two unique characters-- Snake and Ocelot-- to use. They are both awesome to play and have their own advantages. I found Ocelot to be pretty good.

Selfies... a new element in Metal Gear Online 3.
 It wouldn't be an online game without some game modes. MGO3 features three modes:

Bounty Hunter - In this mode, your team will win if you reduce the enemy's tickets to zero. Killing an enemy reduces their ticket count by 1, fultoning an enemy will net your team more points.

Cloak and Dagger- Things are a bit different in this mode. A team of attackers must capture a Data Disc and extract it to the Evac Point within the allotted time.Defenders, on the other hand, must counter-attack the attackers. Also, if you die, you're not coming back.

Comm Control - This mode is a simple really. The attacker must download valuable intel by capturing comm locations. The defenders must eliminate the attackers before time runs out to win. 

 The game requires team work; hence the Tactical Team Operations tagline of the game. You'll have work together with your teammates to eliminate the enemy and emerge victorious.

There is a lot of fun to be had here.
 Furthermore, there is a neat selection of maps to choose from. While looking a bit similar to the environments found in MGSV, they manage to be distinguishable from one another. The day and night option can be implemented on the maps as well. 

 In terms of negatives, I had frequent disconnections from matches and took a while to find a stable match. On very few occasions, I experienced a bit of lagging. These two factors aren't game-breaking by any means, but hopefully will be fixed in the future. 

PRESENTATION- The presentation is pretty much the same found in The Phantom Pain. The Fox Engine continues to impress with neat visuals and detail. The environments and visual effects adds to the immersion as well. Before starting a match, you'll have have the option of setting the music. The soundtrack packs classic tunes of past game while packing new tracks to listen. 

The presentation still holds up well.
OVERALL- Metal Gear Online 3 is a genuinely great time. There are loads of fun to be had thanks to its online modes and customization features. While it would have been nice to see more online modes, the ones present should keep you occupied for a while. Despite some disconnects, MGO3 is worth a play. 

