What I've Been Playing [January 2019] + Update

 Hey everyone, hope you had a wonderful holiday. 2019 is yet another promising year for gaming and I hope I'll be able to play all of this year's releases. On the topic of that, I felt like giving a quick update on the state of the site for this year. I've been slowly getting burnt out and just plain unmotivated this past while so rather than forcing myself, I've decided to take a brief break in the coming months instead. That doesn't mean that I'll be quitting forever, just that there will be some slowdowns this year. Anyway, with that said, it's time to share with you the games that I've been playing. I took yet another shot at my backlog this holiday and I've been digging up some old 3DS games that I haven't finished so without further delay, let's take a look at what I've been playing:

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS)

 Long title aside, I kept Soul Hackers on the back burner ever since 2013. Granted, I was still new to the series, having only played Persona 4 and Shin Megami Tensei IV, so it was natural that I didn't understand some of the complex mechanics such as the demon negotiation and moon cycles at the time. Nevertheless, I revisited the game this holiday and I'm almost on the verge of beating it. I have to say, I'm really digging the futuristic setting and cool, albeit cheesy story married with some likable characters. The game is in first person and you have your own squad of demon to fuse and control. Aesthetically, the game has aged yet the hand-drawn models hold up surprisingly well. That and the game's soundtrack is also holds up well with many synth-based and upbeat tracks. It might be rare to come across a copy these days, but if you dig an interesting story with solid gameplay  and can stand the visuals, then Soul Hackers is worth a look.

Ace Attorney Trilogy (3DS)

 I've recently finished the third and last entry in the Ace Attorney trilogy, Trials and Tribulations, and it stands as one the best visual novels/ point-and-click games I had the pleasure of playing. All of the games in the trilogy feature quirky characters, gripping characters, and lots of mysterious for you to indulge yourself in. One look at my 3DS playlog and I was surprised to see that I sunk in around 60 hours across all three games, so it's not a short affair. If you're interested in courtroom drama of the Ace Attorney series, it's worth noting that the trilogy is making its way to PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC sometime this year if you don't own a 3DS.

Pokémon Ultra Sun (3DS)

 Pokémon Ultra Sun in the enchanced version of the original Pokémon Sun. Featuring new imrovements to the gameplay as well as new pokemon types to catch, I've decided to pick it up over the new Let's Go Pokémon games. While I'm still early in the adventure, I'm loving the Hawaii-inspired setting and new Pokémon types. I still hold Pokémon Y in high regards so here's hoping Ultra Sun lives up to that. 

 And these are the games that I've been playing recently, I hope I'll manage to balance between more of my backlog games and the recent releases. And that's all for now, until next time!
