The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince (NSW) Review

A charming adventure.

 The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is an adorable game brought to us by Nippon Ichi Software, makers of the renowned Disgaea RPG series. A cute story that follows a wolf-turned-human girl on quest to restore a blind prince's vision, it's a refreshing little title to sit through and play in the midst of the current big-budget releases. Seeing that I have some downtime on my hands, I've decided to look into Nippon Ichi's latest release and check it out. 

 There once lived a wolf in a dark forest with gloomy skies, who would sing every night at the top of a cliff. Her beautiful singing voice attracts a young admirer; a prince from a nearby kingdom. One night, the prince attempts to climb the cliff to identify the mysterious singer, however, the wolf-- fearing that the prince will be frightened of her-- accidentally attacks him, damaging his eyes. Feeling guilty over the sudden attack, the wolf makes a pact with the Witch of the forest, who offers her the ability to transform into a human "princess" in exchange for her singing voice. The wolf reluctantly accepts and now alongside the prince, she ventures into the forest in order to restore the blind prince's vision. The story is the main draw of the game and I'm happy to say that it was a charming one. I really liked the funny moments between the princess and the prince, as they try to understand each others' ways and gradually bond overtime. Without spoiling too much, the ending is a heart-warming one.

The story managed to hook me in with 
its two likeable leads.

 The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a 2D platformer with puzzle elements. You control the "princess" as she guides the prince through the forest. In her human form, the princess is practically vulnerable. Fortunately, she can transform into her wolf form when she needs to deal with enemies. The entirety of the game is basically one giant escort mission. You hold the "Y" button to hold the prince's hand to guide him through the levels. In addition to that, you'll have to protect the prince from monsters in wolf form, as him getting hurt will have you restart the stage again. Thankfully, the game is pretty generous with checkpoints, so the frustrations of escorting the prince are mostly gone.

Slash through enemies and protect the 
prince in wolf form.

 Throughout the game's chapters, you'll be solving a variety of puzzles that will have you using both the princess and the prince in order to advance. The prince isn't completely useless as you can order him to walk a few steps either forward or backward, in addition of carrying certain objects. You will be forced to make use of these mechanics as the princess can only do so much on her own as for example, some puzzles allow the prince to proceed first. That being said, I found the puzzles aren't much to write home about as they're pretty simplistic and can be finished easily. The only ones I had trouble with were towards the end, which put everything you've learned throughout the journey to the test.

The controls are responsive and much of the
puzzles are fairly simple to beat.

 The game is pretty much a one and done affair with little incentive to go back besides collecting hidden golden leaves that unlock character art with some interesting insight from the designers. Also, the game is just short of 4 hours long, which is pretty brief when you take into account the $20 price.

 The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince packs a beautiful art-style that nails the storybook aesthetic it's striving for. Character models are have a simple anime-look to them while the environments are filled a great deal of detail. Playing on handheld mode, the Nintendo Switch version looks fantastic and is even more stunning on the big screen. There is no voice work aside from the Japanese-only narration, which kind of sucks. On the other hand, the soundtrack is great and delivers many ambient and soothing tracks to accompany the princess and prince's daring adventure.

The charming visuals and nice soundtrack 
will surely ease you into the game's world.

 The Liar Princess and Blind Prince is an interesting game with an engaging story. The characters were adorable and gameplay, while simple, was serviceable for the most part. Also, the presentation is top-notch for a small scale game and is easily among it's highlights. Sadly for $20, it's a short affair with little in the way in terms of replay-value. It's worth the look for those into interesting stories and puzzles though I'd definitely wait a bit for a sale first.
