What I've Been Playing [June 2020]

Hey, everyone. We're halfway into 2020 and in terms of game releases, there isn't much in the way. So I've been playing some of my backlog games, which are mainly RPGs and games that I missed out on years ago. It's been a quiet couple of weeks overall. Anyway, it's another post where I talk about some games that I've been playing. Enjoy!

Sin and Punishment (VC)

 One of the last games released on the Nintendo 64, Sin and Punishment is often regarded as a classic on the system. Taking place in a futuristic 2007, we follow protagonists Saki and Airan as they fight off mutant forces known as "Ruffians". The story is nonsensical for the most part and hard to keep up with at times, though I still liked the main leads. The gameplay is obviously the main attraction, as you'll shoot, slash, and dodge your way through countless waves of enemies and boss fights, which were challenging. Sin and Punishment follows the standard genre tropes like aiming for a high scores, multiple difficulties, and stage selection. The visuals and voice acting are rough, but as long as the game is fun, it's a pass. The game is fairly cheap on the Wii U Virtual Console, so it's worth a try if you're looking a for a brief yet fun 3 hour adventure.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS)

 A strategy RPG from Atlus, Devil Survivor has you following a group of teens who've been trapped in a demon-infested Tokyo city with only seven days to survive. The game retains the classic Shin Megami Tensei mechanics, only with a lot more emphasis on strategic gameplay. You can command up to three characters as you move your party in a grid-based environments to take out enemies. The story was an interesting one as it's packed with multiple character arcs and endings, meaning lots of potential for replay value. The graphics are fine on the 3DS and the soundtrack was pretty good too. In short, it's a mix between classic SMT and Persona, and it's cheap to find nowadays too. While I'm not a huge fan of strategy games, Devil Survivor was a lot of fun.

Wargroove (NSW)

 Wargroove is another strategy game I've been eyeing for a while. You play as a young princess Mercia who alongside her band of friends, must defend her kingdom from an enemy kingdom led by the powerful wizard, Valder. The game is heavily inspired by the likes of Nintendo's own strategy RPG series, Advance Wars. The gameplay is akin to said game as you'll carefully place your units across the battlefield while also taking into account the enemy's own forces and their strengths. Wargroove is a challenging game since the enemy AI is sharp, meaning that sloppy strategies won't get you anywhere. Still, there's an easy mode that should get newcomers familiar with the game and have a fun time. The sprite-based visuals and cheery soundtrack are also part of the game's charm as well. I've played the Switch version, which is perfect for a game like Wargroove, and I'd recommend it for those looking for a challenge.
