Opinion: Silent Hills Cancelled

Why did you do that Konami?!
 It's official everyone the upcoming and much anticipated, Silent Hills, featuring a collaboration between film director, Guillermo del Toro and Metal Gear creator, Hideo Kojima , and starring Norman Reedus is officially cancelled. Guillermo recently stated that the game isn't happening as well as Reedus, who stated on Twitter that the game is cancelled. Also, P.T., the demo for the game is going to be pulled from the PlayStation Store.

 Konami stated to video game blog, Kotaku, that Silent Hills "would not be continued" , however, they still plan to continue the series.

 Personally, it's a shame that Silent Hills was cancelled. After playing the horrifying P.T., I was excited for what Silent Hills has in store. It was even on my 15 anticipated games of 2015 list, but sadly, it won't be happening. Hopefully, Konami will at least make it up with an impressive Silent Hill game, though, despite recent entries it's doubtful. 
